woensdag 4 september 2024

Joost Klein och Melodifestivalen

Falskt anklagad

Fotografen som blev utsatt för Joost Klein bakom scenen på Eurovision överklagar inte.*1 I ett uttalande säger hon att våld inte borde accepteras under några omständigheter men att hon vill gå vidare med sitt liv. "Min klient vill fokusera på sitt psykiska välmående," säger hennes advokat Kristoffer Ståhl.

Joost Kleins agerande mot en kvinnlig fotograf bakom scenen på Eurovision Song Contest fick honom diskvalificerad från tävlingen. Det resulterade i en polisanmälan men i mitten av augusti meddelade åklagaren att förundersökningen mot den nederländska artisten läggs ner.

Nu har den utsatta fotografen bestämt sig för att inte begära överprövning av åklagarens beslut, det meddelar hon via sin advokat Kristoffer Ståhl. "Min klient hyser inga agg mot herr Klein. Hon anser att våld inte borde vara acceptabelt någonstans, oavsett adrenalin eller upprörda känslor," säger Ståhl.

Det var dagen efter den andra seminfinalen som Joost Klein inte dök upp på ett första genrep inför finalen. Han anklagades för att ha betett sig våldsamt mot en Eurovision-medarbetare bakom scenen. Händelsen polisanmäldes och Eurovision-arrangören EBU diskvalificerade Klein med motiveringen att han brutit mot tävlingens uppförandekod.

Källa: Aftonbladet, 4 september 2024.

Joost K.


*1 On 11 December 2023, Dutch broadcaster AVROTROS announced that Joost Klein had been selected as the Dutch representative for the Eurovision Song Contest, which was going to take place in Malmö, Sweden, in May 2024. The whole of Europe expected Klein, after having qualified in the semi-final on 9 May with his song "Europapa", to perform in the final, two days later. On the day of the final, however, the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) announced that Klein had been disqualified from further partaking in the contest, due to an "incident".

According to AVROTROS Joost Klein, immediately after his semi-final performance, was filmed against his will by a Swedish camerawoman and on the spot had objected to what she was doing. The woman alleged that Klein had reacted to the recording by making a "threatening move" towards her. The details of the altercation are unclear, but the Swedish police said they would investigate whether criminal threats had been made. Klein refused to talk to the media about the incident but denied the accusation through his lawyer.

On 12 August, the Swedish public prosecutor's office announced that the case against Joost Klein was closed because it could not be proven that he "was capable of causing serious fear or that [he] had such an intention". On 3 september 2024 the woman's lawyer announced that his client would not appeal against the decision.

By the way:
the current executive supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest, a representative of the EBU who is also in charge of the rules of the contest, is Swedish TV producer Martin Österdahl. Probably the EBU Executive Board, because of
Österdahls disproportionate and quite opportunistic decision to disqualify Joost Klein from the contest in May 2024, now will try to get rid of him as soon as possible.

Sources: Wikipedia and Aftonbladet.